BSA Troops and Packs
The Scout troops and Cub Scout Pack are chartered through the American Legion Post 290.
Scouting goal is to get scouts back into the outdoors where they belong and making memories.
Those who would be interest in getting involved with scouts; we are ready for you to join our Scouting Family. Cub Scouts is for school age Kindergarten through 5th Grade (5 -10 years old) for the Troops its 6th through 12th Grade.
The following are the currently units sponsored by American Legion Post 290:
Cub Scout Pack 290 accepts both boys and girls and meets at the Annex Fridays, 6:30-7:30pm
Cub Scout Pack 907 accepts both boys and girls an meets at Ebeneezer United Methodist Church Tuesdays, 7:00-8:00pm
Troop 290G, Girl Troop meets at the Annex on Mondays 7:00-8:30pm
Troop 907, Boy Troop meets at Ebeneezer United Methodist Church on Mondays 7:00-8:30pm
Find more information on these scouting units sponsored by the Legion at https://beascout.org
Contact information for Pack 290 is Justin Haney, cubmaster@pack290.org or visit https://www.pack290.org